Applying Augmented Reality Capabilities to Enhance General Aviation Weather Training


Augmented reality (AR) learning experiences were designed for general aviation (GA) weather training to enhance students understanding of aviation weather information. Students inside and outside the classroom lack opportunities to experience different types of weather patterns and practice correlating weather knowledge with weather-related decision-making. AR experiences can immerse students in weather content that is three-dimensional (3D), animated, and interactive. Student interaction with this content may help close gaps in how students learn about weather patterns and help students apply knowledge to correlate weather theory in weather-related situations and decision-making. In this study, AR learning experiences were designed and sequenced to enhance how students learn about thunderstorm weather processes, thunderstorm hazards to flight, and thunderstorm avoidance procedures. A preliminary user evaluation was conducted to assess students’ learning experiences and outcomes. The preliminary results of the evaluation found that the experiences resulted in a significant improvement in weather and spatial knowledge with high student satisfaction and motivation. AR learning experiences may be designed for various weather phenomenon to enhance learning inside and outside of the classroom.

Meister, P., Wang, K., Dorneich, M., Winer, E., Brown, L., Whitehurst, G., "Applying Augmented Reality Capabilities to Enhance General Aviation Weather Training", American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Aviation Forum, Aug 2021,