PEGASAS and Fly8MA partner with FAA to provide WeatherXplore Lessons Western Michigan University and Fly8MA have partnered with the FAA Weather Technology in the Cockpit NexGen Research program and the PEGASAS Center of Excellence to provide aviation weather lessons for the GA... Aug 10, 2020 Purdue School Of Aviation Technology and Transportation and PEGASAS Investigators win big in ACRP Design Competition Purdue University School of Aviation Technology and Transportation took home 5 winning designs for the 2020 ACRP Design Competion. The Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP), a program of the... Jul 14, 2020 PEGASAS 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting Registration Open We are pleased to announce the registration for the 2020 PEGASAS annual meeting is live! June 30-July 1, 2020 10:30 am -5:00 pm EDT each day June 30th registration... Apr 27, 2020 PEGASAS 2020 Annual Meeting Announced Please save the dates for the 2020 PEGASAS Annual Meeting on July 1st at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia. Given the news regarding the COVID -19 virus, we are intending to... Mar 13, 2020 Page 6 of 11 (43 total entries) « 1234567891011 »